Dealing with Bad Reviews

One of the first lessons to learn in the hospitality industry is that you can’t please everyone. What’s too cold for one guest is too hot for another. One person’s nicely seasoned meal is too bland for the next diner. The trouble is that the customer who would once complain to his brother-in-law about his unsatisfying experience now has the ear of an infinite number of potential patrons on the Internet.

Bad reviews are unavoidable. Here are some tips for dealing with them.

Don’t try to take the bad review down. Unless it’s fraudulent and you can prove it, most sites will not remove reviews.

Respond to the review. Be professional and wait until you have calmed down. Angry posting is never a good idea. If the reviewer has a valid point, try to address it.

Ask what you can do. How can you make the reviewer happy? Do they want a refund? Will they return to give you another chance to make things right?

Don’t get into an argument. If you sense that the conversation is going to escalate, try to take the problem offline and resolve it on the phone or in person.

Increase your positive reviews. The more positive input there is online, the less impact negative reviews will have on your overall rating. If you get a compliment from a customer, ask them to post a review.

Pay attention to real-time customer satisfaction. Notice and teach your employees to be aware of how customers are doing. Can you see a diner who looks frustrated or annoyed? Did your desk clerk give adequate attention to resolving a guest complaint? Diligent focus on customer service is the best way to head off bad reviews before they happen.

Monitor review sites regularly. The quicker you address any issues, the better your chance of preventing a minor problem from spiraling out of control. Managing your online reputation is critical to keeping your business flourishing.

Word of mouth is a key component to growing your business. Listen to what people are saying about you. If you hear consistent complaints about same issue, take corrective action.

The experts at Horizon Hospitality can help find professionals who are committed to customer service and providing outstanding experiences. Our hotel and restaurant candidates have the skills, experience and attitude to turn your first-time customers into repeat customers. Call the top hospitality industry recruiting firm today!


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