The MANY Benefits of Adding an Applicant Tracking Software to Your Hiring Process.
The more hiring you do, the tougher it is to manage the administrative details. In the hospitality industry, hiring is a constant. Demand at resorts ebbs and flows with the seasons. It’s impossible to keep up and still handle the administration that goes along with running a facility. Here’s what you can do with the right ATS:
Increase productivity. Spend more time on your core tasks and less time on hiring by letting your ATS do the up-front screening and sorting work for you.
Reduce liability. Create a paper trail of exactly when a candidate was eliminated from consideration based on their qualifications and reduce employment discrimination concerns. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the prohibited employment practices outlines by the EEOC. By staying current on employment standards you will avoid any potential fines.
Screen more efficiently. Sorting resumes by hand can consume hours of your day, and you can miss skills or red flags that the ATS won’t.
Sort by keywords. Once candidates are loaded into your database, you can sort and search my any key qualifications you require.
Keep track of resumes. Have you ever made a mental note about a great resume and set it aside for later, never to be found again? That will never happen when you use applicant tracking software. Plug in whatever you remember from the resume and your system will pull it right up.
Lower the cost of hiring. HR and management personnel cost a lot more than software. How much are you worth per hour? That adds up fast. Employing an ATS can reduce the man hours needed to process resumes.
Reduce time to hire. ATS speeds several of the steps associated with hiring. Interview only those who meet the screening criteria you set, saving you time and getting your new employee on board quicker.
Raise the quality of hires. Accept a larger number of resumes without worrying about finding the time to read them yourself. With more resumes to choose from, you can winnow down to the very best candidates more efficiently.
Create a candidate database. Your ATS will create a talent pipeline. The more applicants that are entered into your system, the better your chance of locating people with the exact skill set you require.
Need additional help finding talent? As a leading hospitality recruitment firm Horizon Hospitality can connect you with restaurant managers, club general managers, catering managers or sales professionals across the country. If you are looking to improve your hiring process, contact an experienced hospitality recruiting firm, contact us today.