Talent assessments, also known as pre-employment tests, are important tool in the hiring process.
And just as you need more than just a hammer in your home improvement toolbox, you need more than just assessments in your hiring formula. Studies show that they should carry about one-third of the weight involved in your candidate selection decision.
The Importance of Assessments
Pre-employment tests add value in a number of ways:
- The chances of making a hiring mistake are lessened. Well-developed assessment tools enable companies to specifically target candidates’ competencies and skills.
- The probability of recruiting a superior performer is heightened. Assessments increase your ability to predict a candidate’s on-the-job performance, reliability and overall success.
- Objectivity in interviewing is increased. Too often, interviewers overlook good candidates because of superficial resume reviews or negative first impressions. Assessment tools provide measurable facts, which can and should be taken into consideration, along with those factors.
Making Assessments Work for You
Used correctly, talent assessments can be uber-powerful. Keep these guidelines in mind:
- Assess the position before you assess the person. Make sure the specific abilities needed to perform the job are clearly defined. Then, using the right assessment tools, you can pinpoint the skills that are key to optimal performance in the role, and measure them accordingly.
- Use assessment tools to sharpen the focus of your interviews. Pre-employment test results can add value to the interview process by helping you identify the right questions to ask.
- Assessments improve – but don’t replace – interviews. The best hiring process is one that collects a wide range of different insights about candidates and then compares all the resulting data to the job requirements, weeds out the weaker players, and focuses on hiring the best.
Design Your Assessment Strategy
One or more methods may be used to determine a person’s ability to successfully perform a job. The appropriate assessment for a given role may vary according to a number of factors including:
- Number of applicants
- Degree of customer contact
- Turnover
- Diversity issues
- Job stress
And your assessment process may include one or more of these tools:
- Accomplishment record
- Biographical data questionnaire (bio data)
- Cognitive ability testing
- Job knowledge testing
- Personality testing
- Statistical judgment testing (SJT)
As a key element in your recruitment toolbox, talent assessment tests can make your hiring process more efficient, as less time and fewer resources are expended dealing with applicants whose qualifications fail to match needed skills and traits.
To enhance your recruitment strategy and initiatives, read our related posts or contact the expert team at Horizons Hospitality today. If you are looking for hospitality recruitment firms, we are always available.