You’re committed to attracting new customers and retaining the ones you have, encouraging them to return time and again. Right on, but remember: Don’t overlook your most important customers – the ones who work for you every day. Because without them, where would you be?
Help ensure ongoing customer service success by keeping your employees involved, engaged, and in a position to dialogue with you and provide key feedback at any time.
Why It’s Important
When organizations collect and analyze the input of their talent, they’re in a better position to identify flight risks, address business concerns, and take steps to recruit leading performers.
- When companies invite feedback from employees at all levels, they have more data points to work with and can make better-informed business decisions.
- As you collect analytics regarding employee thought processes and performance, you continuously develop organizational improvements.
How to Get Feedback
A structured corporate strategy for employee feedback can work wonders for overall business success, yet a recent survey showed that only 31 percent of organizations have one. Join the elite group of companies smart enough to use such strategy – the ones who will likely be around for a good, long time as a result.
- Employee feedback and engagement is not a one-shot deal. You need a multi-pronged plan to really make it work. This requires proactive thinking and planning, resources devoted to proper execution, a communications plan to keep stakeholders informed and involved, and ongoing measurement and follow up.
- The value of the survey process: Conduct comprehensive employee engagement surveys on a regular basis, perhaps annually or bi-annually. During interim periods, implement a process of “pulse surveys” to follow up on issues identified via the larger survey tools.
- Hold “stay interviews:” Schedule regular one-on-one sessions where managers talk to their employees about the reasons they work for the company – or the reasons they may one day decide not to. These also serve as opportunities to get to know employees and to collaborate with them on their career plans.
- Hear ye, hear ye! Town Hall Meetings, where employees meet in groups to dialogue with management, are a powerful feedback tool. These forums encourage transparency and trust, as people tend to be more comfortable opening up when surrounded by their peers. A suggestion box format can used so persons who are uncomfortable speaking up can submit questions and comments.
- On your way out the door! Exit interviews are a great way to end an employer-employee relationship on a high note. Be sure to ask relevant questions that uncover what your employee may have changed about your culture or processes. This is just another way to gain a perspective from someone that worked within your office walls.
What to Do with Feedback
The best way to reap the rewards of employee feedback is to listen and learn.
- Communicate. Don’t just collect information, comments and ideas. Implement follow-up and corrective measures and keep your workforce informed with regular status updates.
And it goes without saying, use employee feedback to change your workplace, your department and your company for the better. All the time. Every single day.
For additional guidance in improving your company’s employee engagement and related HR strategies, read our related posts or contact one of the experts at Horizons Hospitality today.
Maybe say something like: If you are looking for a hospitality consulting firm to assist in designing a comprehensive strategy to maximize the receipt of invaluable employee feedback, contact Horizon Hospitality today.