A phone interview may seem like an easy, relatively effortless experience. After all, you don’t have to stress out over which suit to wear or worry about missing your expressway exit.
But, never underestimate the power of the phone interview – or the need to prepare for it. If you do, your chances of landing the job could take a wrong turn. And then, you’d really be lost.
Making the Cut
A phone interview is the first milestone in being considered a serious candidate for a position. While several individuals may reach this stage, only a small number will move on to personal interviews.
To help ensure you make the cut:
Be Ready Ahead of Time
If you’re serious about securing the position, you need to work just as hard preparing for a phone interview as you would an in-person meeting. And although it’s true, you can do the interview in your pajamas, there are several points to consider to ensure success.
- Research the position and the company. Thoroughly review the job description and make a list of how your qualifications match hiring criteria. Use the organization’s web site, personal contacts and other resources to learn as much as you can, prior to the interview.
- Compile talking points. Make written lists of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible interview questions and answers.
- Have a list of your own questions ready. An interview is a two-way dialogue to determine whether a position is a good fit for you. You have every right – in fact, it’s a good strategic idea – to ask thoughtful questions. In addition to providing information that may assist you in your job search decision, this demonstrates your interest in and knowledge of the job.
- Practice. Do a mock interview with a friend or family member. Record it and play it back. Then, perfect it.
Be Ready On Interview Day
- Have your resume handy. This is one advantage to phone interviews: You can “cheat” by having paper documents on your desk or posted on the wall. (Just don’t rattle them or drop them all over the floor!)
- Eliminate interruptions. Hire a babysitter if necessary. Turn off the television, stereo and call waiting. Use a land line to avoid dropped calls or disconnects.
Show Time
During the interview itself, be sure to focus, listen and concentrate, just as though you were meeting the hiring manager in person. And:
- Speak slowly and clearly. Take your time with responses and keep them concise.
- Pay attention to your body language. That’s right, even though they can’t see you, be sure to focus on the interviewer, sit up straight, smile and think positive. You’ll feel better – and you’ll make a better impression.
Securing a phone interview is a great first step toward the job you’ve been waiting for. But remember, many are called – but few are chosen. So be prepared for the best experience possible when your phone rings.
Working with a career coach can be a powerful asset as you plan and execute your job search, including the interview process. If you are looking for jobs in hospitality, contact the experts at Horizon Hospitality today.